Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Jeepers Peepers !!

  It's chick days! Spring can't be far away. Here's what we brought home Monday.
  We had 5 Barred Rock hens for 2 1/2 years...kept them in a chicken tractor which I moved about the garden and barnyard.  But when they started another molt last Fall, I didn't want to fool with them all winter with little to show for it, so plans changed.  I wasn't interested in stewed hen; besides, they were elegant ladies who deserved better!
  So....they were "donated" to Wendy and Steve's free range flock where they are now happily residing. These little Rhode Island Reds are the replacements. The two little black ones are Black of them hopefully a rooster since Wendy's flock is currently all female. If we get a rooster from those 2 he will be relocated over there.
  I am going to sell the chicken tractor; just seemed like it was too much work, too small, just kinda relocated the mess around the yard! I built a coop and run last Fall.  I'll picture that in the blog when these peepers move into it in a few weeks. Right now, they are happy in the water tank in the garage, kept company by the farm boy on a tractor on the Farmall thermometer!


  1. The first time we got chickens, we raised Barred Rocks from peeps...and then we got a second dog. So now I get pullets, as the peeps probably wouldn't fare too well around here. It sure was fun watching them grow, though!

    1. This is actually the first time we have raised the little ones. Wendy has had them several times. They are sure cute! And so far, they seem to be easy to care for.
