Sunday, January 6, 2013

Old School

From time to time, I hope to inject a little family history into this blog.  I'll start with some pictures of the old school in Eastern Colorado that my Dad attended as a boy.  It is amazing to me that it still stands, forlorn, in a wheat field.  I like that.  Too many historical places are torn down just because they are in disrepair or are "in the way".  Also pictures of the old church a few miles away from the school.  Quite a walk back in time.

Even the old attendance board, just the way it was when last used, many years ago.
And the old piano.  Can't you just hear the voices echoing off the board walls?
And the bulletin board.  

   The old church I attended as a youth in SW Idaho is still standing, but it has been converted into a coffee house.  It is still somewhat the same, which I appreciate, but yet.......... Just makes these pictures of an earlier generation even more meaningful.  I took these pictures in 2008.
   I hope you walked a little with me down memory lane.


  1. I'm so glad you had the chance to visit, and have these pictures!

  2. It may look forlorn to us now but we have to just picture it and the schoolhouse as it might have been then. And those massive stone blocks helped it withstand the winds and weather for a long time. I hope your father told you stories about those days to pass down to your children and grandchildren.

    1. Yes, stories about the school...riding the old mare to school, playing ball in the yard, etc. Dad didn't remember the church much; they went into town to another church most of his childhood. Grandpa went out to this one sometimes.
