Thursday, March 21, 2013

New calf

  I looked out the window this morning toward the pasture and saw an unfamiliar little black blob. I knew Beauty was close to calving so I have been watching. This is Baxter, our first calf from our own bull, Buster. He is a dandy; looks a lot like Beauty's calf from last year, Biff. Nice big bull calf. She calved alone during the night and all is well.
  I expect my next post to be announcing a new grandson, Caleb. Katie's due date is Saturday.


  1. What is it about those calves...they're just so cute!
    You must be so excited for your new grandson!

    1. Yes, babies of all kinds are cute, aren't they? We are very excited; our youngest grandchild is 9 and we had thought there would be no more.

  2. Oh my gosh, two new lives! Congratulations!
